- Overall
Claims Experience
2Claims Experience
Customer Experience
3Customer Experience
Value for Money
2Value for Money
NIB review by Suzanne.12
Claiming with NIB is a nightmare
I am just about to leave NIB. If you want to claim it is a nightmare. When you ring the attitude of the staff is not helpful. I have had one simple claim that took weeks to process, and another claim for a major dental issue which is still in dispute. I would avoid them if I was looking for healthcover.
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Overall Rating
31 reviews
- Awesome 10
- Good 4
- Average 5
- Bad 4
- Terrible 8
Terrible customer support,...
I ask before to go to the hospital and they said yes you are covered, then I went, I place the claim ...
Terrible customer support,...
They are bad in customer service providing false information, one you paid they said submit the claim...
High premiums and you get ...
Stay away from NiB, been with them for 15 years and they give you nothing back. They are jacking up t...
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