- Overall
Claims Experience
2Claims Experience
Customer Experience
3Customer Experience
Value for Money
6Value for Money
50% increase on Home Insurance
I moved to Budget Direct some years ago to secure a competitive premium.
Last year, we made a claim on a damaged engagement ring which was repaired under our insurance.
I have just found out that Budget direct have increased our premiums by exactly 50%.
Similar to others I see, they explain this as due to natural disasters, local factors etc. However in exploring this more closely, I have been told by a senior advisor within Budget Direct that indeed it is due to my claim, I quote: "..and recovery of the claim".
I strongly recommend not going with Budget Direct, and if you do, and make a claim, expect a hefty increase on renewal.
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- Awesome 7
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- Terrible 13
We insure our property to be safe yet make a claim and we are treated so badly.
Engineer says dam... -
Terrible and will not pay ...
How this company has any positive reviews is beyond me - these are clearly paid advertisements and al...
Worst home insurance ever!...
The worst insurance company ever! I’m so regret to choose it for my home insurance. After a heavy rai...
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