- Overall
Claims Experience
1Claims Experience
Customer Experience
1Customer Experience
Value for Money
1Value for Money
Worst home insurance ever!!!
The worst insurance company ever! I’m so regret to choose it for my home insurance. After a heavy rain my husband noticed roof leaking in our bathroom we call Budget Direct to make a claim. We paid $500 excess fee to lock in a claim so They sent someone to check. Then they said the leaking was from a hail storm back in February so we have to lock in another claim for the hail storm. It means we have to pay another $500. And now after 4 months 3 people come to check and still not go anywhere. Every time when it’s rain, the roof keeps leaking and getting bigger. We call many times but no answer is given. I’m so DISAPPOINTED and highly NOT recommend Budget Direct!
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- Awesome 7
- Good 1
- Average 0
- Bad 1
- Terrible 13
We insure our property to be safe yet make a claim and we are treated so badly.
Engineer says dam... -
Terrible and will not pay ...
How this company has any positive reviews is beyond me - these are clearly paid advertisements and al...
Worst home insurance ever!...
The worst insurance company ever! I’m so regret to choose it for my home insurance. After a heavy rai...
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