Eight excellent pet insurance facts
When it comes to insuring your furry bundle of joy, it's easy to get tripped up by a hidden exclusion.
With a growing number of pet insurers out there, all that fine print could send you barking mad. Get to know the most common policy exclusions with our eight little-known pet insurance facts.
1. Age Limits: Beware the big nine! That’s the age at which most policies won’t insure your pet. Additionally, most insurers won’t cover pets under the age of eight weeks either.
2. Not all animals are covered: Unfortunately most pet insurers in Australia cover cats and dogs exclusively, so don’t bother trying to sniff out bunny cover! Insurance is also available for horses so it’s worth trotting around to compare rates.
3. Your pet’s breed matters: Whilst all pets are precious, take note that not all breeds are created equal when it comes to insurance! Certain policies have increased premiums for illness prone pedigree breeds, whilst standard guard dog breeds or racing greyhounds may not be covered at all. Take a good hard look at the fine print before finding the perfect policy for your pup or moggie.
4. Pre-existing conditions are a factor: Pet insurance will usually not cover for any illnesses or health conditions suffered before the policy was purchased. For instance, if Rover the cocker spaniel had a history of ear infections prior to being insured, any ear-related medical expenses would not be paid out.
5. Waiting periods apply: Be aware that if you’ve just purchased pet insurance, you may need to wait a set period before making a claim. Waiting periods can vary from 30 days to up to six months so be sure to refer to the policy disclosure statement (known as a PDS) before purchasing pet cover.
6. Elective surgeries or procedures may not be paid: Routine examinations, cosmetic procedures, experimental treatments, desexing and a host of other elective procedures are not covered by most pet insurers. To avoid a ruff surprise, refer to the PDS to find out where you are covered.
7. Problems in pairs: You could have trouble insuring your pet for any body part that comes in two’s. For instance, if your cat has injured its right hind leg, the left hind leg would then not be insured. The same rule goes for eyes, ears and any other body part that comes in pairs.
8. Dental is an extra: Most pet insurers will not cover your pet’s chompers. However, most policies include dental coverage as an optional extra. Depending on the state of your pet’s pearly whites, it may be worthwhile paying that extra fee.
Whilst pet insurance can seem like an extravagance, it may save you a huge financial and emotional burden further down the line. Considering the exorbitant costs of vet bills, pet cover can save you thousands of dollars. It’s also worth noting that an estimated 6000 pets are put down each year because their owners can’t afford the lifesaving vet care they require. Doing your research and paying for pet cover may be far more manageable than the potential loss of your four-legged friend.
If you’re still chasing your own tail check out our guide to pet insurance.
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