• Hi Corey, I'm sorry your claim didn't have the outcome you had expected. I would advise you to contact [email protected] to have your case re-assessed by a team that is independent of the claims team. Thanks, Anna
    Reply from InsureandGo representative
  • Been there with them, Corey, stuck in Saigon, March, trip closed, COVID19 frenzy, had to get home. Refused my claim, rudely, over the phone after four months of emails. Wrote a review like yours, guess what, got restarted, another email frenzy, guess what, told no again today. They're slick on the sale, make a claim, s0rry. Whaddya got to say about that, representative?
    Reply from andrew
  • Hi Andrew, I'm very sorry if someone was rude on the phone, please reply to the most recent email communication you've had from [email protected] with the name of the person you spoke with, and this will definitely be addressed with the staff member in question. We always aim to provide friendly and helpful advice over the phone, and what you described goes against what we stand for, so we will address this. Regarding your claim: I'm afraid if your claim was rejected by the claims team, and then re-evaluated by the disputes team, who are independent of the claims team, and they also made the decision to reject the claim, the only avenue remaining is to ask for your case to be escalated to "Dispute Resolution Stage 2". This can be done by replying to any of the emails you received from [email protected] and letting them know you want to escalate your case to stage 2. Thanks, Anna
    Reply from InsureandGo representative