- Overall
Claims Experience
9Claims Experience
Customer Experience
9Customer Experience
Value for Money
10Value for Money
1300 Insurance review by mollerico3
Impressed with the premiums and 5% discount
My mom owns 3 labs and we were wondering where to get them insured, our main concern was the high premiums. A friend recommended 1300 insurance, I thought it was the same as others. Their prices are competitve and that they also offer 5% discount on every additional pet insured!
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Overall Rating
6 reviews
- Awesome 2
- Good 0
- Average 1
- Bad 0
- Terrible 3
Premium prices skyrocket a...
2013 premium $36, 2014 premium $44, an increase 33% 2015, premium $64 an increase of 45%. Poor claim...
Poor customer service, thi...
Poor customer service, calls were either unanswered or left on hold until I gave up. Premiums increas...
Highly recommend the pet i...
Highly recommend the pet insurance package by 1300 insurance! Cheap and I got a discount for getting ...
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